Thursday, December 30, 2010

Well the year is coming to a close

Hello Friends! I am excited to say I met my goals today. (that rhymed) Anyway all is well in my life and with my goals. I am excited for a new year and new things. Hope everyone is enjoying success on some level!


  1. I met my goals today also, and tomorrow is my free day --whoo hoo!! Hope you all have a fun new year's eve!

  2. Haha Heather--I like your comment about enjoying success "on some level"!

    Good job Heather and Annette!!!!

    I've met my exercise goals this whole week--no comment on the rest :). I also like Heather's comment about being able to reach her ultimate goal in 2011. I'm at that point too . . .I could definitely get at the weight I've been dreaming of during 2011. It's fun to think about!

    Our next meeting is Monday at 5:30 at Ilene's. It will be nice to meet, talk, and strategize for the New Year. Have a fun weekend!
