Thursday, December 16, 2010

thursday only 8 days left

Yep...still have to shop. I met my goals today. Today was hard though...I really wanted the homemade toffee and cookies that were surrounding me @ work. But I was able to hold off for my free day on Saturday. Hope everyone else found success today.


  1. I went to the RS cookie exchange. I had 3 cookies, and a glass of hot chocolate. I knew all week that I was going to taste at this event. The positive part was that it really didn't taste all that good to me. I am desiring sugar less and less. It "feels" unhealthy when I eat it, and I'm not craving it. I guess it's time to leave it alone. :)
    I did meet my exercise goals.

  2. Good job everyone. What women of strength!

    I took my free day on Thursday because I had 3 activities to attend. I ended up going to only 1--lunch at Jaker's courtesy of my school. (My daughter Ann-Michelle called me at 3 and said her girls had a program at 6:30 that night which is why I missed RS, just in case you were wondering.) Anyway I felt good because even though I allowed myself to order whatever I wanted at Jaker's, I could only eat half! I shared a dessert with several other people. For once, I really didn't overdo it on my free day. I think that's all part of the process with Body for Life. By allowing yourself to totally eat whatever you want on one day, you soon realize that actually what you really want to eat is the healthy stuff. Ilene, it sounds like you're having the same feelings about sugar too. So, I'm feeling very positive about this whole process. My next free day is Christmas Eve and I know I can make it without sugar or white flour until then.

    I met my exercise goals too.
