Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Christmas Eve

I may not be blogging for a few days since I will be feeding the 5000 until about Thursday. I am thinking it will be rough to do low carb so I think I will start over on Dec 30th. I made myself get on the scale today and I am the same weight I was at the start of December. I know some of you valiant ones have lost weight but I am just grateful to not have gained some. I have been exercising pretty faithfully so I guess that works. Happy holidays, keep up the good work. You guys are a great support system and wonderful friends. Merry Christmas.


  1. Oh how I love this night...its so magical! What's a santa to do...there are fresh baked cookies and ice cold milk waiting for him..... :) dah dah dah!!

  2. Good job Cherie! Maintaining your weight is not bad.

    Today was my free day and I definitely overdid it. I had lots of yummy stuff though! I did exercise, so I met my goals.

    Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!

  3. Merry Christmas friends! I took my planned free day and way overdid it too, but am back on the straight and narrow now, so hopefully won't be permanantly affected by my chocolate overdose:)
