Monday, December 6, 2010

6lbs down

Hip Hip Hooray...first week of Body for Life and I am 6 lbs down. I feel great and have good energy. The most wonderful thing of all though is that I don't feel like I am starving or sacrificing anything on Body for Life!! I am loving it. I can say that I met my goals as I am heading to the gym in about an hour to burn some calories on the elipical while I watch my favorite TV show. Life is good and I hope everyone had a fantastic Monday!!


  1. Such postive energy from you Heather. Love it. I had a good day for the most part, great class at the gym and a few minutes with the weights, one little (all right it was big) cupcake. Dang Cocoa Bean. The rest of the day was great. I will say I did 1/2 today.

  2. I'm thinking we need to burn Cocoa Bean down--j/k

    Wow, Heather, good job! I lost a little weight this week, but not 6 lbs. At least I'm heading in the right direction. I met my goals today--feeling great and all that :)

  3. Good job ladies! So proud of all of you. I am especially proud of Cherie that she can look so good AND eat at Cocoa Bean!
    We had our first two Christmas goodie deliveries tonight. They looked realy good - which was afirmed by Joel and Anne. It was very nice of our neighbors. I need to keep resisting. Oh, and I met my goals today!

  4. Good job ladies--you are amazing! Tonight was my planned treat day, but I kept it small, so feel good about that. I walked on the treadmill for my exercise goal today.
